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Motivation as an Assistant Dean in Academia
The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.
Understanding the Scientific Enterprise as an Assistant Dean in Academia
The professional indicated this transferable skill is important in their position, but did not provide specific examples.
- Can identify and manage conflict of interest
- Contributing to discipline
- Discipline-specific knowledge
- Statistical analysis
Empathy as a Medical Science Liaison in Field Science
Sometimes, thought leaders or other healthcare professionals use our meetings to vent, to get away from daily routines, and learn new and interesting information. Even though we are there to share information, we may need to listen and understand the other person’s frustrations. One main topic, physicians complain about is the complexities of the insurance approval and denial processes.
Communication as a Medical Science Liaison in Field Science
It is important to understand who your audience is and adjust your communication style to match their needs. For example, I was scheduled to meet two physicians at a hospital during their lunchtime. It was my first time meeting them and getting to know them. They came in one at a time. One of the physicians wanted to talk about what-ifs situations and asked about data we had on those topics. With the second physician, I was able to share new clinical trial data and answer specific questions she on using our product with a patient. The last person I met during this meeting was a newly graduated medical assistant who walked in and was very eager to learn something new! I had to quickly identify the topic I thought would be most interesting and useful for her. We chatted for some time and left information for her to take home and review. She was very happy.
- Oral communication skills
- Presenting research to scientists
- Presenting to nonscientists
- Speaking clearly and effectively
Teamwork as a Medical Science Liaison in Field Science
The MSL team attends major national and international congresses. Our primary role during the congress is to gather insights regarding our product(s) and all other topics physicians are discussing. We are trying to identify any unmet medical needs that fall within the company’s medical objectives, for example. Each team member is given a role before, during, and after the congress. That role or activity can include lunch or dinner meetings with thought leaders. There are times that one MSL would ask team members to participate in such events to have coverage, especially if there are several thought leaders attending.
- Ability to work on a team
- Ability to work with people outside the organization
- Providing constructive feedback
Integrity as a Medical Science Liaison in Field Science
Pharmaceutical companies are highly regulated. Doing our work with integrity always is extremely important to comply with local, state, and national rules, regulations, and laws. If we do not, there are serious consequences not just for the MSL, but potentially for the entire company.
- Complying with rules and regulations
Motivation as a Medical Science Liaison in Field Science
Just as in the process of conducting cutting-edge research, there are times that things do not go as planned. Therefore, understanding what your motivation is or what is your why is extremely important to get through rough or long days. What is it that makes you wake up every day and say “let’s go!”
Communication as a Field Applications Scientist in Field Science
My job is built upon communication. Every day I communicate scientific data (and concepts) to customers and internal teams that are a mix of scientists and nonscientists. This means that half of the battle is identifying how best to convey your message across so that everyone is on the same page. It involves tailoring the content you present, providing additional support if needed, and generally being flexible in how you approach every situation.
- Basic writing and editing
- Oral communication skills
- Presenting research to scientists
- Presenting to nonscientists
- Speaking clearly and effectively
- Writing for nonscientists
- Writing scientific publications
- Written communication skills
Teamwork as a Field Applications Scientist in Field Science
Teamwork is incredibly important in Field Science roles due to the variety of situations that you may find yourself in when working with different customers. At my company, we have a dedicated team of 14 Field Applications Scientists each working in our specified territory. However, in the common situation where one of us encounters an application, cell type, process, etc. that we may be unfamiliar with, it is so important for the other members of the team to step in and advise a best path forward. When I am not working directly with a customer, most of my time is spent talking to other members of the team and continuously giving/receiving feedback so that we all grow in our respective roles.
- Ability to work on a team
- Ability to work with people outside the organization
- Providing constructive feedback
Project Management as a Field Applications Scientist in Field Science
Unlike when you are a PhD student or postdoc and you have a dedicated project that you work on life as a Field Scientist is all about variety. This means that I am constantly juggling different projects with different groups that are all at different stages from early-stage research all the way through GMP manufacturing. For each customer project I work on, I become the de facto manager -- this means I need to manage timelines, expectations, budget, personnel, etc. for sometimes up to 20-30 groups at a single time. For this reason project management (and organization) skills are highly desired in the role. Being an efficient project manager allows you to deliver better results in a shorter timeframe while ensuring no loose ends exist.
- Ability to manage a project
- Delegating responsibilities
- Developing/managing budgets
- Managing data and resources
- Planning and organizing projects
- Providing instruction and guidance
- Time management