What is the Internships and Experiential Learning Class (GSICE)?
Does the internship site or the program choose who goes on what internship?
I am a potential internship site, how much would an intern cost me?
I am an internship site and might be interested in taking on a UCSF intern, what do I do?
How are participants in the Internships and Experiential Learning class chosen?
If a student or postdoc is admitted to the Internships and Experiential Learning class, what requirements do they have to fulfill?
What if I want to do an internship and my Thesis Advisor says no (or I think they will say no)?
Is a Thesis Advisor required to let a student do an internship?
Will a student have a stipend and/or health insurance while they are on an internship?
Will participating in an internship cost the student's Thesis Advisor (or the student's graduate program) any money?
Can a student do an internship if he/she is on a fellowship?
Can a student do an internship after graduation (or while on filing fee)?
Who can be part of the Internships and Experiential Learning class?
Where can students do internships?