Joining a new team is challenging and involves major decisions that can have a large impact on how well you are set up for success. Here you can find resources to choose a thesis lab and to set yourself up for success in the first 90 days.
Learning outcomes:
- Describe what a "good fit" is for you
- Organize your thinking about rotations
- Identify the questions you need answered before making a thesis lab choice
- Articulate a plan for making a choice of thesis lab
- Understand 6 things needed to establish a well-functioning professional relationship in a new position
Conducting Successful Lab Rotations Guide
Decision Matrix for Lab Rotations - a tool for comparing labs across criteria that are important to you
21 questions to get to know your rotation lab - a checklist that helps you better understand the labs you're considering joining
Establishing Yourself in a New Position slides
The Strategic Postdoc - an iBiology course