Since the COVID Shelter in Place mandate, we've been focused on identifying and responding to UCSF students and Postdocs career questions and concerns during the disruption.
One initiative we've launched for PhDs is our PhD Pulse - a two-three question weekly survey sent out through our OCPD listservs asking students and postdocs about what they need right now in regards to career and professional development support and then responding to that need with new resources, workshops and 1:1 counseling. In the last week, we sent out the following to PhDs:
Information and Resources:
- Check out our new COVID webpage for PhDs.
- Our newest section has is on managing up and managing others
- check out the Department of Psychiatry's treasure trove of mental health resources during COVID-19, including upcoming and recorded webinars.
Programs you may have missed
- Watch a recording of Entry Points to Consulting Careers (under Videos)
- Watch a quick Introduction to Exploring Faculty Careers (more coming soon!)
What's This Week's PhD Career Pulse?
- We want to know about the specific conversations you're having with your PI and what format is most helpful for you as we develop new resources. Tell us so we can create the resources you need!
Stay in touch, we're here for you!